Shell Basics

Home shortcut




Current directory shortcut




Parent directory shortcut




Print working directory




Print text


echo "Hello world"


Change directories


cd folder-name


Move into user directory


cd ~


Move up a directory


cd ..


Move up multiple directories


cd ../..


cd ../../..


List files and folders


  • -1: List in one column
  • -A: Include hidden folders
  • -F: Add slash to end of folders
  • -G: List with colors
  • -l: List in long format



ls folder-name


ls folder-1 folder-2


Create file(s)


touch file-name.txt


touch file-name-1.txt file-name-2.txt


Create folder(s)


mkdir folder-name


mkdir folder-1 folder-2


Create intermediate folders


mkdir -p folder-1/folder-2


mkdir -p folder-1/folder-2/folder-3


View file contents


cat file-name.txt


less file-name.txt


View file contents (with line numbers)


cat -n file-name.txt


less -n file-name.txt


Learn more about a command


man command