Git Basics

Check Git version


git --version


Set user name and email


git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global


Initialize repo


git init


Check status


git status


Stage file(s)


git add file-name


git add file-1 file-2


Stage all files


git add .


Commit files


git commit -m "Initial commit"


View log


git log


List branches


git branch


Create branch


git branch branch-name


Create branch and switch


git checkout -b branch-name


Switch branch


git switch branch-name


git checkout branch-name


Merge branches


git checkout branch-to-merge-into
git merge branch-with-changes


Delete branch


git branch -d branch-name


Discard changes to file


git checkout -- file-name


Unstage files


git reset HEAD file-name


Edit last commit


git commit --amend


Undo last commit


git reset --soft HEAD~1